Saturday 27 December 2008


An acrostic is a poem or other writing in an alphabetic script, in which the first letter, syllable or word of each line, paragraph or other recurring feature in the text spells out another message.

For example:
Wisdom systemized in a complex net
Information metropolis is set
Knowledge super way spins in liberty
I learn many things out of rafferty
People, events, places, things; organized
Exposed, refined, edited, scrutinized
Deleted, published; found truth, accepted
Information errors intercepted
An ingenuity unexcepted! (Courtesy: Wikipedia)

The poems: Cheer personified, Long live the brother hood, Sweet addictive poison, Tribute to the tall one, An ode to the Bengal Tiger(refer to blog)are all acrostic poems. I fell in love with this style of poetry and hence I adopted it. Commments are always welcome

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