Monday 30 April 2012

Dreams, Dreams Everywhere

There are dreams.
Dreams like the earth.
They require patience,
they require perseverance.
Stick to them.
Be firm in them.
These are dreams of a long time.
A beautiful future.

There are dreams.
Dreams like the air.
Feel them.
Breathe them.
The very foundations of life they are.
Dreams that all of mankind has.
They'll exist forever.
For generations to come.

There are dreams.
Dreams like water.
Free-flowing by nature.
Fluid by structure.
Dreams that can be altered
based on the ups and downs of life.
Easy-going dreams.
Ever-evolving dreams.

There are dreams.
Dreams like the sky.
As high as 'high' can be.
As vast as 'vast' can be.
Endless horizons of greatness.
Unlockers of infinity.
Dreams of greater bliss.
Dreams of eternal joy.

And there are dreams.
Dreams like fire.
Those that engulf you.
Those that torment you.
Fires that have to be fought with fire.
Those that must be reduced to ashes
and dissolved in water-like dreams.

There are dreams.
There will be dreams.

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