Thursday 2 February 2012

Two Brothers

Two brothers - poles apart.
One cherishes life,
one abhors the same.
They're always in conflict.
The two brothers.

Two brothers - born in the same womb.
One respects mankind,
the other has nothing but disgust for man.
They are in constant disagreement.
The two brothers.

Two brothers - brought up the same way.
One has kindness unmatched in heart,
while the other takes pride in his cold indifference.
They're never on speaking terms.
The two brothers.

Two brothers - with the same education and means.
One strives for perfection,
the other is satisfied with mediocrity.
They're diametrically opposite to each other.
The two brothers.

Two brothers - fighting an endless battle with one another.
One is ready to forgive,
the other wants total annihilation.
They're like quarreling neighbours.
The two brothers.

Two brothers - in the same mind and the same body,
co-exist independently.
Should one cancel the other?
Or should there be harmony between them?
A duel in duality.
The two brothers.

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