Saturday, 27 March 2010

Love is in the Air

Something was wrong.
I had slept soon,
Wordless and poem-less.
But never loveless.

A quarter hour later,
To the humming of a song
I opened my eyes.
I knew who it was.

It wasn't a mere wave of signals,
It was love that travelled in the air.
The love that accepts everything,
Gives and receives joyfully.

My sleep she disturbed for the third time.
I'm not angry at all.
For, the only mistake she did was
Making me write another poem.


Periwinkle Mist said...

Vinay! I love this one. But only me and you can comprehend the essence of it.. :)Its interesting this way. ;)

Vinay Kumaar said...

Ah ha ha. Yeah. :)
