Sunday, 21 March 2010


A great bicycle I ride,
A bicycle with rear view mirrors.
I have a look at the path trodden upon.
I find it to be smooth.

No bumps. No injuries.
The ride has been smooth,
As the road has been smooth.

That's what I presume.
The road is always smooth.

I behold a sprawling meadow on my right,
A beautifully flowing brook on my left.
My co-riders see a quagmire on one side, and
A dark woods on the other.

Ahead of me are many more beautiful meadows.
My friends see a treacherous landscape.
I continue riding, and
Admiring the beauty around me.
Some people certainly can't see the way I see.


Periwinkle Mist said...

so amazing.. loved it.... very inspiring.... :)

Vinay Kumaar said...

The poem's effectiveness lies in its success in bringing about change.. Hope it did.. :)