Monday, 8 November 2010

Conscious Efforts

In a fit of rage I yell
On top of my voice.
My Adam's apple bears the brunt;
The decibel level reaches a high;
The listeners' ear drums take the strain.

In the fading moments of tension and wrath
I regret shouting at my mother,
I regret losing my cool.

Patience - a saintly virtue
Should I adopt,
For fury is not worth my time,
Fury is not a worthy emotion.

Umpteen resolutions have gone in vain,
Countless "sorry"s have vanished in thin air,
Making me regret, regret
And do nothing but regret.

I admit I'm imperfect,
But I'm ashamed
I don't make an effort
To change my self,
To behave as to not regret later.

With oodles of grit and conscious efforts
Will I try my best to achieve what I need.

After all,
Rome was not built in a day.

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